It takes God’s supernatural faith to receive salvation. We have to believe in God, whom we have not seen, and believe that our sins are forgiven, which we cannot prove by natural means. That’s the kind of faith we have to use to receive salvation. We are limited, but God calls things that are not as though they were. That’s not the way natural man does things. The Lord called light into being first and four days later created a source for the light to come from. When the Lord created the universe, Genesis 1:3 tells us that He created light on the first day but didn’t create the sun, moon, and stars until the fourth day of creation (Gen. Romans 4:17 explains this action by saying that “God calleth those things which be not as though they were.” Abram meant “high father,” but Abraham means, “to be populous, father of a multitude.” God changed Abram’s name and called him the father of a multitude before it came to pass. The year before Isaac’s birth, when Abram still did not have a child by his wife, God told them the child was coming, and He changed Abram’s name to Abraham and Sarai’s name to Sarah. Abram was 100 and Sarai was 91 when Isaac was born. The context of this verse from Romans speaks about how God supernaturally blessed Abram and Sarai with a child in their old age. God’s faith operates supernaturally, beyond the limitations of our natural faith. Romans 4:17 says, “God … calleth those things which be not as though they were.” God’s faith goes beyond sight. How can you believe in things you can’t see? The answer is that you can’t believe in invisible things with human faith. However, you have to believe in all these things to be born again. You haven’t seen sin therefore, you wouldn’t know what you would look like if your sins were taken away. Yet when it comes to God, we have to believe things that we cannot see. Would you fly in a plane if you could see that the engine was falling off or the tires were flat? Your senses would forbid it.

What if I asked you to sit in a chair you couldn’t see? Or what if the chair was missing one of its legs and was falling over? You wouldn’t sit in a chair like that with human faith. That takes human faith, which God gave to every person. We fly in airplanes when we don’t fully understand how they work, and we don’t know the pilot, but we trust that everything will be okay. Using natural human faith, we can sit in a chair we’ve never sat in and believe it will hold us up. Human faith can only believe what it can see, taste, hear, smell, or feel it’s limited to the five senses. There is a human faith that is inherent within every human being, and there is a supernatural faith of God that only comes to those who receive the good news. This verse says that faith is the gift of God. We have to put faith in God’s grace, but the faith that we use isn’t our own human faith. If that were so, then everyone would be saved because God’s grace has come to all men (Tit. In Ephesians 2:8, Paul says, “For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:” It’s God’s grace that saves us, but not His grace alone. Every born-again Christian already has the same quality and quantity of faith that Jesus has. We spend a lot of effort, like a dog chasing its tail, trying to get something we already have. One of the areas about faith that gives people the most trouble is the concept that we have to acquire more faith and that some people have much faith, while others have virtually none. They may reach some level of success, but to really be proficient, they have to read the book. They are impatient and want to do it on their own.
#Faith evans you used to love me download manual#
The Bible is our manual with detailed instructions, but just like in the natural, few people take the time to really study it.
#Faith evans you used to love me download how to#
It’s like having a computer and knowing its potential but not having a clue how to use it. Yet there is much confusion about faith today just as there has always been. Everything the Lord does for us is accessed through faith. Our faith is the victory that enables us to overcome the world (1 John 5:4). Faith is what brings the things God has provided for us from the spiritual realm into the physical realm (Heb. 11:6), so our relationship with the Lord is dependent on it. Without faith it’s impossible to please God (Heb.